Saturday, February 18, 2012

Lazy Saturday...

I'm taking it easy today. I didn't even wake up until after 11, which isn't normal. I have no idea why I'm so tired. Well, I have one idea. Sometimes I think when I take that sleeping pill when I'm already tired, it makes it harder to get up in the morning. I really wish I could stop taking them, but when I tried for two days, my nausea and indigestion comes back. This girl is a little high maintenance already.

So, I've started laundry, dishes are my next household chore to tackle, but I really feel like getting some writing and promoting done today. So, I made some passion tea lemonade, and am fighting off the urge to fall back asleep. Not sure if I will win, but I can try!

Today is all about enjoying those little people I made and not stressing...

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