Monday, January 2, 2012

Writing, Facebook, and back to school...

I have been more diligent in my writing and decided to finish an article that I started a few weeks ago. I'm sure it's not my best work, but the more I right, they better I feel about it. I wish I could discipline myself to write everyday. Since I have had so many issues with morning sickness, I decided to write an article about remedies for morning sickness. I still take a Unisom each night.

Remedies for Morning Sickness

I also began a fan page for this blog on Facebook. So far, I believe there are 20 members, but it's only 24 hours old. I'm excited. I love meeting new people and discussing bipolar issues with real people. It is such a diverse illness with varying symptoms, and I think it is important for people who are affected by this disorder should converse with others who share the same feelings.

Tomorrow, the kids go back to school (Hallelujah!) and I am excited for the break, although I will miss sleeping in and hanging out with them. The house is a wreck again, and I need some alone time to clean up. It is making me miserable. I need a clean, happy home again! fa

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